IVF treatment in Pune

What is IVF?

In Vitro Fertilization( IVF) is an assisted reproductive technology (ART) for the external fertilization of eggs and sperm. In the process, a woman’s ovulatory process is monitored and stimulated, then the ovum or the egg cell is retracted and fertilized with sperms in labs under special conditions. The process intends to help parents fall pregnant who cannot conceive naturally due to infertility.

How Is The IVF Process Carried Out?

At SaiShree IVF, we have a team of experienced doctors and the latest technology to offer the best IVF treatment in Pune so that you enjoy parenthood. The steps for the guided IVF cycle involves:

1. Preliminary Consultation:

You consult with our doctor regarding your case of infertility issues. The doctor will ask a few questions about both of your medical histories, and appropriate diagnostic tests are performed. The doctor may advise for a few different tests for clarity. After processing the information from the tests, the doctor suggests the most appropriate treatment. The consultation initiates IVF treatment. On suggesting the IVF treatment, our doctors will explain the treatment in detail and prepare you mentally for further steps.

2. Testing and Ovary stimulation

After tests are done, the IVF process proceeds in the first step with the stimulation of ovaries that starts on the first day of the ovulation process. The female partner is prescribed certain medicines in the 8-14 days of the menstruation cycle to encourage the ovaries’ follicle ( glands that secrete, protect and produce eggs) to produce eggs.

Typically two types of stimulation hormones are given, namely Lueitenizing hormone or Follicle-stimulating hormone. For giving the trigger injection at the right time, your bodily changes will be tracked towards the end of the stimulation process. The stimulation process helps in producing more eggs for retrieval.

3. Egg Retrieval Process:

This process takes 30-40 minutes. The eggs are retrieved under anesthesia to reduce any discomfort caused. A specially designed needle equipment guided by ultrasound technology is inserted into the uterus to remove the eggs from your ovaries carefully. At a time, 8-15 eggs are retrieved in the process.

4. Sperm Retrieval Process:

The male partner’s sperm is also retrieved on the same day for the sake of using fresh sperms in fertilization. Alternatively, frozen sperms can also be used as per the couple’s conditions and needs. In case frozen sperms are to be used, they are kept prepared in the lab for fertilization. Good quality sperms are selected based on certain parameters.

5. Fertilization Process:

This is a crucial stage during the IVF process. Experts use a powerful microscope to segregate eggs from the fluid in which eggs are conserved and also collect a set of healthy sperm samples. One or more eggs and a set of sperm samples are placed together in a lab dish under microscopic observation and are left to fertilize in a controlled environment.

6. Development of Embryo:

The fertilization process results in the zygote’s formation, which further develops into an embryo. Once developed, the embryo is placed in an incubator where external conditions are maintained and monitored. The embryo cell/s develop in a period of 5-6 days.

7. Embryo Transfer:

This is a simple process that can be done with or without anesthesia, depending on the patient’s preferences and condition. The embryo is put in a catheter (a small tube) and inserted into the cervix of the uterus. This process has to be done with extreme precision, and hence, performed by experts only.

The embryo in the blastocyst stage is implanted in the uterus. It is called blastocyst culture, in which good quality embryos (carefully examined and selected by embryologist) that have survived more than six days on average is implanted in the uterus. The biggest advantage of this procedure is that it significantly reduces the chances of multiple pregnancies.

8. Final Pregnancy Test:

It is the last step of the process that confirms pregnancy. Two weeks after implanting the embryo, a blood test is done to measure HCG hormone in the blood, responsible for ensuring pregnancy.

Our experts deliver each step with extreme precision and precaution, using the latest technologies to offer the best IVF treatment in Pune.

FAQs about IVF Treatment

Does it mean that test-tube babies take birth in the test tube in a lab?

No, in layman’s language, IVF is referred to as the test-tube baby procedure. It does not mean the fertilization takes place in test-tube; rather, the fertilization takes place in-vitro in a Petri dish, and the embryo is placed back into the uterus. So the child takes birth naturally.

Do test tube babies live a healthy life?

The test tube babies are as normal as other babies as IVF does not alter the natural pregnancy process in any way. Hence, they are still prone to common genetic and congenital problems that can occur in any pregnant woman.

What is the difference between surrogacy and test-tube babies?

In both, treatments the process of IVF Is the same. The only difference lies, in surrogacy, the embryo is implanted in the surrogate mother’s womb, whereas in the case of a test-tube baby, the embryo is implanted in the mother’s womb from whom the ovum has been taken.

Why are test-tube babies often twins?

Since the treatment is costly, many who either desire to have more than one child or who thinks either one of the 2-3 embryos will perfectly implant in the womb have more chances of twins. The doctor plays a vital role in avoiding multiple pregnancies.

Can we choose the gender of a test tube baby?

No. Gender selection or testing of gender before childbirth is illegal in India.

When can I resume my normal activities? Is there any particular activity I have to avoid?

The doctor advises remaining sedentary on the day of Implantation. Women after implantation must avoid heavy exercises and strenuous workouts until pregnancy is confirmed or stable. Tough day-to-day activities can be carried out with little precautions, such as avoiding forceful activities.

How many times can one try IVF?

Many factors decide you can attempt IVF treatment more than once, but on average, a woman can try 3-4 times the IVF treatment cycle. The doctor will guide better on the subject of repetition of the cycle. Since it is a costly procedure, the choice to try out repetitive must be a logical and conscious decision, not taken under any kind of pressure.

What are The PROS and CONS of The IVF Procedure?


  • The procedure has given results and a ray of hope to many elderly couples even, who desire to have their own young ones.
  • It is one of the most successful procedures recommended when other procedures fail to give results.
  • Doctors also recommend this when the couple is suffering from genetic or unknown infertility disorders.


  • The procedure may seem a little awkward to women. The doctor has to brief the procedure to the couple before starting the treatment.
  • Though it has higher chances than other procedures, it does not guarantee results.

Is the egg retrieval procedure painful?

The egg retrieval is done with the administration of general anesthesia, which wears off shortly after the egg retrieval process. Since a thin needle is inserted into the ovary transvaginally, and the follicles are punctured before retrieval, The women may face little cramping after egg retrieval, which can be managed with medications.

Is the test tube baby process painful?

Some steps may be a little painful or discomforting. Starting with stimulation medication, women may find anxiety issues or stomach bloat in the first few shots. However, things will come back to normal after a few shots. The egg retrieval process is done in anesthesia, so it is also not painful. The embryo transfer is also minimum painful as it is handled diligently by experts.
Still, few women may feel little discomfort or awkwardness from the process. Your doctor shall brief you about the treatment before choosing the procedure.

How long does it take to complete the test tube baby procedure?

On average, one cycle of treatment takes four weeks, but the period may stretch to six or seven-week per cycle depending on the individual cases, treatment administered, and other factors delaying the conception.

What do I need to avoid before or during test-tube baby treatment?

A couple, especially a woman, should avoid:

  • Smoking and consuming alcohol. Regular smoking or alcohol consumption reduces the semen quality in males and hinders the ovulation cycle in females.
  • Heavy exercises
  • Certain types of food items that increase the chances of stones

How do I get my body prepared for a test tube baby treatment?

While you visit a doctor for the IVF treatment, your doctor will suggest few ways to gain strength physically to be prepared for test tube baby treatment. Some of the valuable advice are:

  • Eat healthily- You may consume regular food, but it should be fortified with rich nutrients with an ample quantity of vitamins and minerals.
  • Exercise regularly- Seek doctor’s advice to continue with exercise. Exercise is a must to boost the metabolism of the body.
  • Get enough sleep- disturbed sleep cycle can affect hormonal levels in women.
  • Keep yourself happy and motivated- Researches finds that a happy woman has more chances of conception. So ladies are advised to be motivated and do what makes them happy.

Difference between Test Tube Baby and IVF

You may wonder what the difference is, but there is actually no difference between the two. In layman’s terms, the IVF procedure is coined as a test tube baby. The fact is that fertilization takes place in a petri dish ‘outside the body’ where IVF derived its name (in-vitro).
Unlike the social stigma faced by parents of test-tube babies born in 90’, today, people take it normally. In fact, the procedure proves to be a boon to many unfortunate couples.

What is the Cost Incurred In The Test Tube Baby Procedure?

The IVF treatment cost depends on a number of factors such as partners’ age, any medical complication, a hereditary condition, requirements of further subsidiary treatment, etc. Still, the ball mark figure estimates the expenditure of 1 to 2 lakh for an IVF cycle. The other specialized treatments, such as ICSI, also usually cost between 1 to 2 lakhs of expenditure. It is best to consult an IVF specialist.

Step By Step Test Tube Baby Procedure :

The procedure is as follows:

  • Stimulation– The female is given certain injection that helps to grow more eggs at a time.
  • Egg Retrieval– The doctor uses a special device, an ultrasound probe on which small injection-like equipment is mounted. The equipment sucks the ovum from the ovaries transvaginally.
  • Sperm retrieval– Concurrently, the sperm is also retrieved from the male partner.
  • Fertilization– The doctors mix the eggs and sperms in a Petri dish or In-vitro and leaves in the modulated atmosphere for fertilization
  • Embryo Culture– The doctors monitor the progress of fertilization of viable eggs and sperms. The doctors monitor the process of growth of the embryo by division. The process is done in an externally controlled atmosphere, required for the embryo to divide, called embryo culture.
  • Embryo transfer– Once the embryo is found viable after the screening, the embryo is transferred in the womb by inserting embryo through a thin embryo transfer catheter.
  • Confirmation– The woman is regularly monitored until a pregnancy test is conducted at fortnight to confirm the case.

What is a test tube baby?

A baby conceived from in-vitro Fertilization is called a test-tube baby. It is called so because the process of fertilization is done outside the body in a controlled and viable atmosphere in a petri dish, after which the embryo is implanted in the mother’s uterus.

Is it Possible To Get Pregnant With Low Ovarian Reserve?

The low ovarian reserve, also called a diminished ovarian reserve, is a condition in which the capability of ovaries or their total egg cell count reduces, resulting in infertility. The ovarian reserve refers to the quality and the volume of the eggs. It is caused at the time of menopause or higher age, but it varies from person to person, causing infertility. Though any treatment cannot cure the reduction of the ovarian reserve, it is possible to get pregnant through assisted processes.

Does IVF increase the chances of conceiving twins or triplets?

Chances of having twins or triplets are around 9.1% for women below 35 years, and chances decrease with higher age. However, the chances of having twins through IVF are much higher than that of conventional pregnancies.

Are there any chances of the baby born with IVF treatment having congenital diseases?

The rate of congenital disabilities in IVF babies is consistent with that of babies born via natural conception, which is 1 – 2%. Using the latest technologies such as PGS and PGD, the risk of genetic conditions acquired by the offspring can be reduced significantly.

Are there any side effects of IVF treatment?

In the treatment, there could be mild side-effects such as cramping, bloating, or breast tenderness. Some medication-induced side-effect involves hot flashes, headaches, mood swings, and abdominal pain. All of them can be easily treated.

What if either of us falls sick during the IVF cycle?

If you or your partner falls sick during the treatment, consult with your IVF treatment specialist so that the cycle can be altered /delayed. Both, IVF treatment specialist and your physician or related doctor should be informed so that you can be provided with suitable medications accordingly.

Is it possible to resume day-to-day activities like exercising and traveling?

Yes, with little care, both things can be done. Doing light-weight exercises is preferable, as it increases the chances of conception. But, in case of any complication, you must consult with the doctor. The doctor might ask to avoid certain intense types of exercise. There is no evidence that traveling might disrupt the procedure, but there is no harm in seeking extra precautionary measures in consultation with the doctor.

Is infertility a woman’s problem?

No, infertility is a complication prevalent in both genders. Since women are child-bearers, the problem in women seems magnified. About one-third of infertility cases are due to female problems, and equally one-third cases are due to male problems, and the remaining one-third due to other factors of infertility in both.

Is IVF painful?

The term pain is subjective. It can be perceived both physically and emotionally by different patients. As far as physical pain is concerned, it is a minimally invasive procedure. The needle of the injection shot stimulants, given in the process are very thin, so the person only feels minimal pain as a stinging sensation. In egg retrieval or embryo implantation, the procedure is done diligently by experts to cause minimal discomfort.

What are IVF treatment success rates?

On average, the success rates range from 30% – 35%. This percentage decreases with increased age. The percentage depends on several factors, such as the quality of treatment and the doctor’s expertise.

When is IVF needed?

Doctors recommend IVF treatment to address problems in conception due to infertility or genital problems. During the treatment, the doctor prescribes certain medications to boost egg production in ovaries, which can be retrieved in the later IVF process. IVF treatment can also be recommended in the following conditions:

  • Fallopian tube blockage
  • Endometriosis
  • Ovulation Disorders
  • Uterine Fibroids
  • Previous Tubular sterilization
  • Genetic disorders

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